I wanna make Hollywood Great Again.

     Hollywood used to be labled as something shiny, bright, and unreal, lately, it has become this unfathomable place. While some interested in industries under the umbrella of entertainment would sell their dog for a chance to make it in Hollywood, many issues recently brought to light have made Hollywood undesirable. Hollywood is populated with large names and companies heavily associated with the film. Anybody with a heartbeat who wants to write, direct and act knows they need to go to LA. But as years have gone by the way consumers indulge in media from writers, actors, and directors has altered heavily. For about a decade, consumers have switched from watching good old network television to streaming. This completely changed the layout for writers and actors. Network shows had their algorithm or calendar if you will. They would air in September and go until May with an average of twenty-two episodes per season. The process by which network shows executed everything was more efficient; it gave employees more stability along with a healthy distance between pleasing consumers and focusing on how to improve the show. Additionally, it adhered to the necessity of better interpersonal relationships among actors and their creators producing better quality. The streaming model relies less on its creative personnel like staff writers who are no longer prioritized and respected. Writers went from being on set to assist actors and actresses to being sent home cutting their work calendar and income i.e. less stability. Now we all know that the areas in which this industry thrives are cutthroat. These areas are places like New York and of course Los Angeles. You've got everybody and their mom networking trying to build the same thing as you and you have less time to begin new projects. Rather than be involved for 40 weeks on set making sure your vision is being properly executed from September to May you are there for 8 episodes also tasked with seeking your next job because you're getting set home. This is the reason why people are walking out of sets to picket and shout. It’s the greed, resentment, disrespect, and inconsiideration that the writers and actors are bombarded with when they simply want to express themselves and be appreciated for it.   
