Hell isn’t just “a teenage girl”

    Hell is not a monolithic experience. It’s not just a teenage girl it’s many paths and circumstances we face in our everyday lives. It’s getting home at 3:30 after sitting in a chair for 8 hours throwing your backpack in the corner of the room and then suddenly noticing it’s 11:59 pm. Hell is remembering what you forgot to pick up at the store. Hell is getting a hangnail after spending eighty-five dollars on a mani and pedi. Hell is your mom texting you she’s “five minutes away” and then remembering you never took the meat out of the freezer. Hell is noticing you’ve been getting in trouble for weeks on end, and Christmas is approaching. Hell is being a 30-year-old woman in the boardroom. It’s realizing you’ve never flipped over the quiz after you’ve already handed it in. And also having a sneezing cold while on your period. Hell is getting damn near a skin fade when you only asked for a trim. Hell is getting that “hey girlie” DM out of nowhere when things have been going swell. But if we have all these versions of hell we need a heaven too.  

    Heaven... is when the entire party is singing Dreams and Nightmares in sync. Heaven is discovering the hidden parking spot that's actually closer to the front. Heaven is when Bill from the dealership says “Let me tell you, something pal”. Heaven is finding that fifty-dollar bill tucked away in your sofa. Heaven is realizing where the song was sampled from. Heaven is being able to say you do indeed have “McDonald’s money”. Heaven is noticing the morning skinny after a consistent week in the gym. But Heaven is also being unbothered and deciding to fall back and bump your head rather than get your lick back. Heaven is cutting them off unremorsefully. Heaven is feeling like you belong in every room you walk into. And leaving a movie theater with the new five-year plan. Heaven is 12 AM on Friday with three albums ready to be played. Heaven is the glass of lemonade that's already half full. 
