A grain of salt doesn't make a diffrence.

 Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something. You got a dream? You gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. - Pursuit of Happyness motivational speech, performed by Will Smith 

    I watched the movie Pursuit of Happyness a few years ago. I remember a man who was struggling so his wife left him. She did not stay to support her family because she had lost hope. Her lack of faith is what pushed her to walk out and not be present in her son's life. Will Smith became a single father who was yearning to make ends meet. As we become introduced to the world of desperation we saw persistence. We saw a chase he was following in his pursuit of his version of happiness. Which wasn't anything out of this world. It was being able to make ends meet. He had all these ideas he dreamt of this grand invention that did not take off. He was disappointed with his failures but he never wallowed in them. He never sat in his pity and gave up. Nevertheless, he persisted, and eventually, someone acknowledged it and took a chance on him. This movie had many lessons that contained wisdom for me the main takeaway was to not let people plant seeds in your head. Take what people say with a grain of salt. You really can do anything you put your mind to whether that's solving Rubik's cube or getting employed by someone you strive to be it is possible whether you try and leap is your choice. Cause when people tell you that you can't do something you make a decision to listen and believe them (accept their seed) or to ignore their unsolicited advice (water your own seed). I feel like I've said this but I'm not sure I say a lot you know but I guess I'll reiterate ... what people say to you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them their behavior their mindset which they try to impose be smart enough to see through it. Sift through the bullshit if you don't you'll never find what's valuable to you. 
