The story behind Ray Lewis's #52

Ray Lewis grew up in a house with a bully, his stepfather. He struggled to protect his mother from this monstrous man who was supposed to be a father figure to him. From the age of four well into his childhood he saw his mom walking around the house wearing sunglasses from being beaten so hard she bled from her eyes. One day Lewis asked his mom to purchase him a deck of cards. Her response was a harsh no, assuming he was asking because he wanted them for gambling. Lewis later turned a deck of 52 cards into an outlet that facilitated a future for him in football. You know when you're a teenager so much is thrown your way so many expectations and labels and judgment so you never think you measure up. Lewis witnessed his mother get beaten constantly and heard her screaming feeling helpless since he wasn't tall enough or strong enough to level with this man abusing his mom. To protect her and his siblings he turned to exercise and directed his focus on getting strong using his built-up anger and resentment for his mom’s abuser. That's when Ray spun on a dime he flipped a seven and did seven push-ups flipped a nine he did nine Jack’s, King’s and Queen’s were worth ten & the joker was fifty. Lewis makes a speech detailing all of this but the most vital part or takeaway is that his mental pain superseded his physical pain and how this became his why. Ray's reason for doing an excessive amount of exercise wasn't because he wanted clout from his boys, to bag the hottest girl, or become an IG influencer it was to protect his loved ones. Often when we set goals our intentions behind them are shallow Rays were the opposite. To start acting like the son he wanted to be he had to dive deep within himself and find courage. I think Ray is a role model for many reasons. Not only was he an exceptional football player, but he built self-worth during a time in his life that would break down most children. Because of this, I think we could all learn a thing or two from him. Instead of knowing and defining ourselves, we've allowed people's perceptions to dictate our self-esteem. We take others' words and ideas and run with them. I came across this quote and it said “how people treat you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.” When people are abusive it is not because of what you did it comes from their way of treating others and how they choose to behave. You could show me the most upstanding, charismatic, respectful, and attractive person and I could still find you someone who’d bully or abuse them. IE it's not you it’s them. Some people grow up around others they want to embody and that becomes their road map of how to flourish. Others aren't as fortunate; they don't grow up around idols, they are surrounded by people they would hate to share anything in common with and that's how they learn what kind of person they want to be.  

“ Don't walk through life just playing football. Don't walk through life just being an athlete. Athletics will fade. Character and integrity and really making an impact on someone's life, that's the ultimate vision, that's the ultimate goal - bottom line. “ - Ray Lewis

                                                      This piece was written in honor of mothers day 
