On My Way Isabella

 I did it again. Obsessed over you & maximized you. How is it that I have no problem making you big in my head? Superior in every and we've barely spoken. move alongside myself all day yet I remain tiny. But you're huge to me. I could list labeling all your attributes the list would be detailed and never-ending. But if I began to write my list I would hold a candle to yours. I'd be stupid meanwhile I could compliment you with ease. I gotta yank the pride out of me. The pen and paper are understated weapons but I've never been that honest with them about you. When I talk about myself I'm cocky when I talk about you I'm considerate. Maybe that's what I've been unconsciously trying to do whenever I concern myself with you be considerate. Ain't that some shit. Getting up is a chore but staying awake because of you is my favorite pastime. I don't know why it is so easy to push myself for you. You ain't even all that. But it's ok I'll unlearn it. If I can make you larger than life in my head I can do the same for me. 
