Quotes & Thoughts


"Why do people ride rollercoasters? The adrenaline, the feeling of facing your fears, the thrill of soaring through space, the ability to forget whatever the fuck is going on in your life and just fly. Do I want that? Yea. So I gotta strap in. " - Victoria Pedretti 

    This quote is for me for us for everyone who has ever been stifled and then liberated from their own self-oppression. I think that the realization that we are causing our own torment and negative feelings is what allows us to relieve them. Delaying the feeling extends the feeling. Meaning if you want to stop something from potentially making you feel like shit the anticipation of that delay will only prolong your time feeling like shit. Things are not happening to you they are happening for you. Shit occurs so we can grow, change, and learn. 

"I had to make you uncomfortable otherwise you never would have moved." - The Universe.

"Life is not coming at you but from you." - Timothee Chalamet

     I've come to realize that a change in scenery is essential because a change in scenery is a new experience and a new experience births growth. Everything elevates in some way. You think bigger, move quicker, operate wiser. Strap into your rollercoaster. Try out, get their number, speak up, apologize, and confront it head-on. 
