Mini Q & A


  1. What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (3-50 words) 

The most tumultuous task that society struggles to adhere to is acceptance. There is an excess amount of polarization and entitlement thus the need for control over others supersedes the willingness to understand each other. The idea of being overly invested in strangers is perplexing to me. 

  1. What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (3-70 words)

Witnessing Elizibeth Eckford being taunted for pursuing an education would have been eye opening. I've seen photos like many but to be there as a black woman watching a young girl endure that would make me feel privileged. Although I've walked in the same maze as her, our paths are way different. The distinction is that her path was way longer than mine will ever be.
